Friday, November 16, 2012


Do you suffer from CHAOS? Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome? I use to suffer constantly from this. Now, only sometimes. With three little ones under foot it becomes difficult to keep up with everyone and everything, and I am a stay at home mom, so don't ask me how the career women do it.

First, you are never behind, just jump in where you are. One of the main reasons I never wanted to clean was because the ENTIRE house was ALWAYS in need of a good clean. Now I just focus on one task for 15 minutes at a time and quit. Sometimes I might jump back in and do another 15, but with nursing a little one and keeping the two year old occupied, 15 minutes might be all I get. IT IS OKAY!

One of the worst chores I have always hated most was cleaning the kitchen. I hate doing dishes and I even have a dishwasher. My goal every evening~or at least before O gets off the bus at 3:15~ is to get my kitchen sink empty. Who wants to cook supper in a filthy kitchen? I find when my kitchen is clean, it really isn't that hard to cook a healthy meal for my family. has so many wonderful, helpful advice and tips that I can't list all of it here. She has a step by step plan that many can follow to the letter. Since having children I have noticed that I no longer have a very good attention span. Probably because I am constantly being interrupted and while I enjoy every minute of being mom I have had to custom Flylady to fit my life, and that is okay too.

“My prayer for all my fellow SHEs (Sidetracked Home Executive) is that each finds happiness and pride in ourselves and our accomplishments. That we raise our children to be good, productive, and happy people. And that we light up a room with our smile.” – FlyLady

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